Manual Set up vs. Meta Advantage + What is Better? – Guide by Social Media Marketing Agency In USA

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AI has spread like an infectious virus all around in this tech-trend era. Almost every technology that you come across has AI integrated into it that automates all the tasks. From building software to composing a song, AI has a strong presence in all industries. When it comes to Facebook advertising managers, AI is nothing new in social media marketing agency in USA. Meta’s Advantage + feature is an automated feature using machine learning to adjust your target audience settings and show Ads to them.

However, when it comes to choosing between Meta Advantage + or manual setup, many of you might have thousands of questions about which one is better. In this blog, we are going to discuss what’s a better option in your ads manager for Facebook. At Sociomacy one of the top social media agencies in the USA, we have done extensive research to find out the answer for you.

What is Meta Advantage +?

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Meta Advantage+ is an advanced feature of Meta using machine learning and AI to make decisions and set up your campaign. It sets your campaign in a way that is best for the business to drive more leads.

In a more a simpler language by social media consultants in the USA, using Meta Advantage + is like giving your car’s control to AI. It is more like an auto-driven car having all destinations set. When you are using Meta Advantage+, you are giving all your paid advertising campaign control to machine machine-learning model that makes decisions on your behalf.

Meta Advantage + VS Manual Campaign Set Up: Which One Is Better?

social media marketing agency in USA

As for USA social media marketing firms, Meta Advantage + is more like a black box. We don’t know how it operates. Well, obviously machine learning has its own algorithm and mechanism to collect lead data and work on it. It is evident that it works for a sole goal. And that is driving more leads to your business. But will it bring the highest leads within a desired budget?

On the other hand, Manual campaign setup offers you complete control over what you choose and how you want to promote your business with paid ads. In the case of manual campaign setup, users can easily choose their daily budget, the location they want to target, their audience interests, age, and many other demographics.

Most essentially, in the case of manual setup, you can choose whom you want to exclude. This gives you a better idea of whom you are targeting regardless of the results. If you are not new to Meta Facebook advertising manager, going with Meta Advantage+ would be an evident decision for you. However, below we have discussed who should use the manual campaign and who should use the advantage+ campaign.

Who Should Use Meta Advantage+ Campaign?

Moreover, the Meta Advantage+ campaign uses a machine learning decision-making model to make decisions on behalf of. It might be the most advanced model from Meta, but there can be incidences when it can lack in understanding the small nuances of your complex business marketing model. Still, humans are more efficient when it comes to decision-making for marketing especially. So, when it comes to defining your target audience, and turning them to your highly qualified customers advantage+ may not be all set to serve you.

The businesses that have a complex sales funnel, then an advantage+ campaign would not be that helpful. On the other hand, the Advantage+ campaign is good for ecommerce businesses. It can find direct qualified leads upon past interests in social media.

Who Should Use Manual Campaign Set Up?

As we have discussed earlier, a manual campaign is good for businesses that have a complex marketing funnel. When you have small nuances to adjust and set a very narrow range of target audiences, then you must use the manual campaign setup. The manual campaign setup allows the best social media marketing companies to define your target audience in detail. You can choose who you want to promote your business.

With manual setup, you can also set up your daily spending limit having better control over the cost of paid ads. If you are new to Meta Ads Manager, using an Advantage+ campaign can be a better choice. But it is always better to get used to all the metrics and use insights like social media marketing agency in USA to set up your business campaign.

Final Note

Both of these campaigns have their own advantage. However, it is better to have complete control of your marketing campaign rather than trusting any machine learning model. If you want the best campaign set up and drive real results, contact us now.

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